Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Guilty Pleasure Found In Paris

One of my food guilty pleasures since I was a boy, is the hot dog. Not the skinless, tastless things you see in the super market or at ball games,but the real kind made with a lamb casing. In fact, I have mine especially made and shipped in to me from a local meat market in Nebraska. Hot dogs, good hot dogs are one of life's treasures.

Adrian Moore ( a Paris food maven)  recently found a hot dog stand in Paris and this is his take on it. When I return to Paris in October, I will certainly check it out.
"A recent article in L'Express on "Paris' Best Sandwiches" brought me to this cubby hole snack stand in the Marais, offering apparently, New York style hot dogs. The 3€ sandwiches are offered in three different styles: the "American", ie ketchup, mustard and caramelized onions, the "Tex Mex", otherwise known as a chillidog, and the "Alsatian" (no Asian restaurant jokes here, please..) , or a sauerkraut dog. They were doing a roaring trade , and there was always a little crowd of Rayban wearing hipsters quaffing away, wiping ketchups off their chins, bobo families, and gawking passersby.
Verdict: decent, fun for the price, but as always, the unexceptional elsewhere often seems more exotic here. Especially where "American" food comes to play."

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