Monday, December 29, 2014

Howard's Pick for the French Region of the Year

The winner is Beaujolais on the grounds, first, that it is the most famous unknown region of France – famous for the wine, unknown because nobody goes there, or can place it on a map. (Try north of Lyon, south of Burgundy.) Second, it is replete with hills and villages that, were they in Provence or Tuscany, would be standing-room only. But they aren’t, so they aren’t. In gorgeous goldstone spots such as Ternand and Bois d’Oingt, one doesn’t meet tourists or, apparently, anyone who has ever met a tourist. Third, and vitally, it is the only major wine region that embraces the stuff with joy and conviviality, rather than with the insane pretense that wine is a branch of high culture.

and of course,. the only place top stay is the magnificent Chateau de Bagnols!!!

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