Friday, July 19, 2019

French country sounds are keeping visitors awake and they are complaining - what is wrong with people?

Many holiday makers ( both the French and other country visitors) are complaining about the sounds of the French countryside, what with over noisy cockerels,loud cows, deafening cicadas and ear-splitting church bells, they find its impossible to get a moments peace when surrounded by the sounds of rural France. 

Hello? what do people expect? Am I missing something here?

Hurrah for one major of a small village in the southwest of France, who has taken to putting up a sign before you enter the village that says ' Warning, enter at your own risk' followed by all the sounds they may hear. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

This is what food and cooking is all about in France and none of that silly stuff..

The chef to French Presidents, Guillaume GOMEZ  and his fantastic Pate's

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Arcachon Bassin is located 30 miles from Bordeaux; but feels like another world

The Bassin of Arcachon has many things going for it, but to me, its their oysters and oyster farms.

Life's simple pleasures; French style that is, is snacking on 2 dozen ( or more) oysters. Here in this large basin is the home to some of the worlds best grown oysters and the shoreline is dotted with oyster farmer colorful huts and having the opportunity to visit, sit down and taste oysters along with some great flinty white wine. 
One of the great sensations of my life. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The time has come - NO tourist buses to be allowed in central Paris - Hurrah!

Because of the influx of tourists; France is the worlds most visited country, the local government is soon to pass legislation to ban tourist buses central Paris.

The major says she no longer wants the total anarchy of tourist buses in the heart of the city.

Tourists can do like everyone else and take public transportation or walk.
Tourists buses will  have to park outside the city.

So stay tuned for future developments..