Monday, May 2, 2011

It's Time To Picnic In Paris

Paris and Springtime and what better time than to indulge in a picnic. Now you could, browse the Paris markets gathering cheeses, wine, desserts, breads and spreads for our Sunday picnic on the quays, but sometimes, it’s nice to let someone else do all of the work.
Someone with good taste like Arnaud Delmontel, (39 rue des Martyrs in the 9th; 57 rue Damrémont in the 18th, or 25 rue de Lévis in the 17th). He offers a €59 gourmet picnic basket for 4-5 people stuffed with all the drinks and munchies But don’t forget to bring, a corkscrew, cutlery, cups, napkins, and a picnic blanket. Please Order the night before. Other traiteur/delis in Paris offer pre-made “panier pique-nique” (check at Hédiard, Fouchon, or BE Boulangepicier,)