Wednesday, March 20, 2019

I have organized my ENTIRE life NOT BEING around CHILDREN, but…

Although the French do love children, there are rules of conduct about where to take them and out to dine.

In my 50 plus years of travel to France, you rarely see children in restaurants; unless it’s a McDonalds type.

French restaurants (especially Paris) don’t have a reputation for being very child friendly. You just don’t see children eating out in Paris and France in general.  But if you must, here are some things you need to know.

Choose Wisely: You must pick a kind of place where kids are welcomed. Casual spots like cafes, some bistros (not many) or non-French places; like pizza or Chinese food are good choices. Funny but Asian restaurants are the few places you’ll see kids eating.

Eat Early: French people are creatures of habit – they like to eat at the same times (that is all over France). From 12 noon to 230pm for lunch and from 8:00pm to 10:30pm for dinner. Again, most regular restaurants in the evening don’t open until 7:30pm. Paris restaurants keep very rigid hours, so if you eat outside those times above, look for places that have ‘service continu’ continuous dining – usually a café, but be warned, the best food in Paris Is not found in these places.

Don’t expect kid accoutrements: Like high chairs, crayons, kids menu, whatever. Yes, restaurants for families do exist, but chain restaurants.
Don’t just show up with a stroller expecting to be seated. If a restaurant is reluctant to welcome kids, it’s almost always a space issue ( if you have a stroller). Real estate is expensive, most restaurants are tiny. If a restaurant sees you coming with a stroller, expect to be not seated.

The Bottom Line: Dining out in Paris with young children is NOT COMMON

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