Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Is 'real' French cheese in danger?

Every region of France has its own particular cheeses. Back in time of General de Gaulle, France had over 246 cheeses - and today that list has expanded.

Many of the top cheeses in France that are considered authentic are given the highly-prized protected Designation of Origin label, this means it was made with raw cows milk, but today, in France, commercial cheeses bearing names like Camembert are made with pasteurized cows milk, may be given a new special label.. The purists ( like myself) yell outrage! and say this decision jeopardizes the future of real raw milk cheeses.

You'll never taste true French raw milk cheeses in the USA, its not allowed to be imported. You'll only find then in France, but now also in France, you'll find mass-produced bland-tasting, pasteurized versions of cheeses. 
When in France, try ( at the local French cheese shops) the real taste of a raw milk cheese and you'll never go back to the bland commercial stuff.

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