Thursday, June 27, 2019

France's favorite village of the year - St Vaast La Hougue - Normandy

Every year viewers of the French TV show - Beautiful Villages vote for their favorite French Village. This year the tiny village on the stunning coastal area in Normandy known as the Cotentin Peninsula won the votes. This area is in fact one of my favorites in Normandy. 

Its described as a land  of sailors and at low tide, the oyster beds provide a link between the French mainland and another jewel: the island of Tatihou, a unique point of view for painters for more than 200 years. The harbor and the picturesque narrow street make this a wondrous place to visit. 
I love the many charming and 'knock-your-socks-off' villages on this peninsula. 
Here is a video ( sorry its in French) but you'l get the idea of the winner.
Above is a click-on to a youtube better view of the video without advertising.

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